Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tax Rant

What a colossal bite in the ass for Canadians everywhere! Here it is, Canada Day, and what do the good people of Canada get for it? An additional eight percent at the checkout counter on most of their purchases. That's right, folks, as of midnight last night, the HST is now in effect. The timing of this HST is terrible. Not only did it kick in on Canada Day, but the economy is in terrible shape right now. Where is the incentive to get people to go out and spend some money on goods and services? As far as I'm concerned, knowing I'll be paying an additional eight percent for my purchases will discourage me from heading to the mall for a day of shopping. Others I've discussed this with have the same attitude as me, and that's no bueno for the economy.

As an American ex-pat residing in Canada, I've always thought the taxes are kind of high up here, but now they're hitting the stratosphere. We freeze our bums off in the brutally cold winters up here, and now we're going to pay eight percent more for heating. My average gas bill in the winter is about $250 per will now be $270 per month. Good thing I don't really drink anymore because the cost of alcohol up here is already exorbitant, but as of today it's even more so. The Mr. and I were in New York not too long ago, and decided to pick up a 30-pack of Budweiser for his son. It cost $19.99, and that was with tax included. Up here in the Great White North you would pay over $40 for that 30-pack. I don't know how anyone up here can afford to be an alcoholic.

The Mr. filled up my gas tank last night to save some dough today, and it's a good thing he did as I saw while out and about today that gas is now up over $1 a litre...yep, over $4 a gallon. While in New York, the Mr. and I paid $2.79 per gallon. Why the huge disparity? Now, I just have to wonder, where are all these taxes going? A HUGE portion is paying quite a few people to sit on their bums while they coast through life...paying them to be non-productive, non-contributing members of society. I have no problem assisting those who are truly disabled and/or down on their know, people that want to work but are unable to. But with the exception of two people, the only welfare recipients I've ever known just don't want to work. It's time for some real welfare reform. Why not have all able-bodied people working for that money? Instead of paying union wages for the upkeep of government property, why not have the able-bodied unemployed do it? For example, rather than having five people making $20 an hour to do yardwork in a public park, there could be four welfare recipients and only one person on the government payroll to supervise them. How about some truly affordable child care? That could be accomplished by having government daycare centres where welfare recipients, supervised by a government employee, would look after the children of single moms who are trying to make ends meet, at no cost to the single moms since they already pay income taxes that pay the welfare. Heck, it could be offered to anyone, and payment could be based on their incomes. Now, keep in mind, I'm only talking about putting the able-bodied to work, not those who are truly disabled.

Unfortunately, this is all a pipe dream and will never happen, and that makes me cranky!

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